The Extending Database Technology (EDBC) is a research conference on system aspects of data management and has been held since 2009 together with the International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), the scientific conference on research into the foundations of database management / database theory. It is in fact the European version of the successful SIGMOD / PODS formula.
This annual recurring conference takes place at a location somewhere in Europe. ICDT is relevant to the European research community in the field of database theory and the EDBC promotes and supports research and progress in the field of databases and information system technology and applications.
PODS, the Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, is the premiere international conference on the theoretical aspects of database systems. PODS was started in 1982.
SIGMOD is the Special Interest Group on Data Management of the Association for Computing Machinery, which specializes in large-scale data management problems and databases. The annual ACM SIGMOD conference, which started in 1975, is considered one of the most important in this area.
A database, also called a database system, is a system for electronic data management. The main task of a database is to store large amounts of data efficiently, without contradictions and permanently and to provide required subsets in different, needs-based forms of presentation for users and application programs.

A database consists of two parts: the management software, called the database management system (DBMS), and the amount of data to be managed, the database (DB) in the narrower sense, sometimes also called the “database”. The management software organizes the structured storage of the data internally and controls all read and write accesses to the database. A database system offers a database language for querying and managing the data.
The most common form of a database is a relational database. The structure of the data is determined by a database model.
A distinction must be made between the term database (consisting of DBMS and data) and database applications described here: the latter are computer programs (often belonging to the application software) that manage and store their individually required data using a database system. Examples: order management, ordering, customer and address management, invoicing.
In everyday usage, data that is not managed with database systems is sometimes (and conceptually incorrect) referred to as “database”: a lot of thematically related files.
An example of a database that you would like to have in order is an e-mail database. Because a good database is the basis for a successful newsletter.